News and Events
Read about ISL’s grant through NCMEP and how it has impacted the Senior Design Program HERE.
The North Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NCMEP) provides manufacturing extension services that enhance the productivity, innovative capacity and technological performance of North Carolina based manufacturing firms. NCMEP also works to strengthen the global competitiveness of small- and medium-sized manufacturers. The Industrial Solutions Laboratory (ISL) at UNC Charlotte’s William States Lee College of Engineering is a […]

In November 2019, the UNC Charlotte Industrial Solutions Lab secured a grant from the Bosch Community Fund to work on a Senior Design Project. The Bosch Community Fund, which was established in 2011, works to enhance STEM education within the community, and invests up to $5 million a year in over 45 site communities to […]
UNC Charlotte was founded to serve returning Veterans in 1946. The Senior Design Committee Chair, Dr. Jerry Dahlberg, is a Veteran and instrumental in the Veteran’s Program at UNC Charlotte. Read about how the Veteran’s Program and Senior Design have had an impact on one of our Veteran students HERE.
General Steel Drum has supported several Senior Design projects. They have implemented two of the student projects into their daily operations saving factory space and automating a previous manual operation. General Steel Drum graciously invited ISL Director Jim Hartman to come to the factory to see the projects in operation. This video shows the work […]
Congratulations to the USLI_COMP5 team on their second place finish! Read about their participation in the NASA Competition HERE!
I wanted to let all of our Industry contacts know that our May 1, 2020 Senior Design Expo has been moved to a “Virtual Expo” format due to the COVID-19 situation. The Virtual Expo will have narrated posters for our Semester 1 students and Project videos for our Second Semester students. Due to the “Stay […]
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the planned May 1, 2020 Expo will be moved to a virtual format instead of the normal Halton Arena gathering. We are still working out the details of how the virtual Expo will be conducted and we will advise on this in April.
Read more about the Fall 2019 Senior Design Expo HERE.
The Industrial Solutions Lab has been awarded a grant from the Bosch Community Fund Board of Trustees to be used towards a Senior Design project. The two semester project, which will be designed and build by senior engineering students, is titled the Design and Development of a STEM Exhibit for the Natural History Section of […]